Didactic poetry, Ottoman and modern Turkish - Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE
Horata, Osman
(1,222 words)
Ottoman and modern Turkish didactic poetry , referred to in Turkish as hikemi , talimî , and öğretici , aims to inform, teach, and provide moral education. The content of Ottoman and modern Turkish didactic poetry ranges from religious, Ṣūfī, and moral themes to scientific and encyclopaedic topics. Such treatises, called in classical Ottoman literature nasihat-name ( naṣīḥat-nāme , on advice), are categorised by topic, for example, siyaset-name ( siyāset-nāme , on government and politics), fütüvvet-name ( fütüvvet-nāme , on devotion to duty), menakıb-name ( menāqıb-nāme , on great deeds and qualities of Ṣūfīs),