Aziz Mahmud, Shaykh of Urūmiyya - Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE
Le Gall, Dina
(1,143 words)
Aziz Mahmud, (ʿAzīz Maḥmūd) Shaykh of Urūmiyya (d. 1048/1639), was a popular şeyh (shaykh ) of the Nakşıbendi (Naqshbandī) Sufi (Ṣūfī) order (whose eponymous founder, Bahaeddin Nakşıbend, Bahāʾ al-Dῑ̔n Naqshband, died in Buhara, Bukhārā in 791/1389). The şeyh was born in Urūmiyya, where his father, Kocağa (Qoç Āghā) or Koçbaba (Qoç Bābā) (d. 1016/1607), had fled to escape "Kızılbaş (Qızılbaş) tyranny" in the region of Tabrīz. (Kızılbaş, lit. "Red-head," refers to Turkmen tribesmen who wore a twelve-gored red headgear to signify their support of