Ahmed Şemseddin Marmaravi - Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE
Ocak, Ahmet Yaşar
(1,081 words)
Ahmed Şemseddin b. İsa Marmaravi Yiğitbaşı (Aḥmad Shams al-Dīn b. ʿĪsā Marmarawī Yīğītbāshī) (839-910/1435 or 1436-1504) was the founder of the Ahmediyye (Aḥmadiyya)-also called Yiğitbaşıyya or Orta Yol (Turk., the modest way)-one of the four basic branches of the Khalwatiyya (Halvetiyye), a Ṣūfī order originating in the eighth/fourteenth century in northeastern Persia and whose branches developed in Turkey, the Middle East, and eastern Europe under the Ottoman Empire, and in all of North Africa. He was born in Marmaracık (or Göl Marmarası, or