'Let Your Widows Trust in Me' (Jer. 49:11): Developing a Parish-Based Prayer Support Group for Igbo Widows
Okere, Remigius C.
Clay, Michael
The Catholic University of America
115 p.
The Catholic University of America
Widows in Orisheze, Imo State, Nigeria, and Igboland in general, are subjected to inhumane rites and rituals after the death of their husbands. These include seclusion from the rest of society except other widows until the funeral of the dead husband, shaving of hair, sitting on the floor, loss of ownership of their husbands' property, especially when they have no male offspring, and the possibility of being inherited by a brother-in-law. Their situation leads to a loss of human dignity, loss of voice in the society, loss of self-confidence, and loss of trust and hope in God. The plight of widows calls for a response by the Church that has a long-standing tradition of assisting widows but challenges the same Church which has not responded adequately to the condition of widows in rural communities like Orisheze. A four-session workshop was organized for widows at Holy Trinity Parish, Orisheze, Nigeria, to train them in ways that will allow them to create a parish-based prayer support group to increase their self-confidence, strengthen their faith and hope in the Lord, and become a source of support and solidarity for the group's members and with their local parish. The critical-praxis method was used to stimulate the consciousness of the participants and to encourage active discussion and participation. It also utilized principles from the andragogical method of adult self-awareness so the widows could learn to take responsibility for their decisions and lives. The project demonstrated a steady growth in awareness among participants and brought positive changes in their lives. It provided a structure of prayer for Igbo widows to deepen their faith, hope, and trust in God's presence through prayer and scripture. It also built and strengthened the dignity and self-confidence of rural widows, promoted unity, mutual support, solidarity among them to resist injustice and oppression, to speak from strength, and experience support from their local parish. It created the kind of social holding that allowed it to be continued and replicated in other parishes.