Increasing Emotional Intelligence to Better Develop Relational Skills: A Seminar for Louisiana Ministry Leaders
Holmes, Joe Scott
Oss, Doug
Assemblies of God Theological Seminary
257 p.
Assemblies of God Theological Seminary
Fruitful ministry is the result of a lifetime of learning and an intentional pursuit of wisdom. The opposite of fruitful is barren, which leads to frustration. Frustrations are caused by a multitude of reasons. Rarely is that level of frustration that leads to quitting due to a lack of doctrinal understanding, improper communicative abilities, or even weak administrative skills. That level of frustration is often linked to a lack of social skills, poor interpersonal communication, and an underdeveloped biblically disciplined system of conflict resolution. This project focused on dealing with the causes of that level of frustration and how healthier Emotional Intelligence can sharpen social skills and help create successful patterns of conflict resolution. The Louisiana Assemblies of God is comprised of 570 credentialed ministers throughout our State, with some serving as missionaries around the globe. This project, survey involvement, and seminar invitation was directed toward these Louisiana leaders. The research and writing material was developed into a two-day seminar, separated by thirty days. The seminar offered participants fundamental instruction in the principles of Emotional Intelligence, with an appraisal to score their EQ. The seminar focused on information and inspiration. Information to learn the basic element of EI and inspiration toward the topic to create a hunger for further study. The purpose was to expose each participant with EI information and how applied EI principles will better equip leaders for conflict resolution.