Siervos de Dios: Restauración y Rehabilitación Para Líderes Ministeriales Recuperándose de un Fracaso Moral que Implica Inmoralidad Sexual
Sanchez Colon, Esther
Detrick, Don
Assemblies of God Theological Seminary
243 p.
Assemblies of God Theological Seminary
When ministers experience sexual moral failure, they need access to the appropriate resources that will facilitate their recovery. Moral failure rarely happens because of one bad choice by an individual or simply because of spiritual problems. Far more often, multiple factors contribute to errors in judgment and ungodly behaviors. Ministers, like any other individual, are shaped by numerous influences: childhood experiences, their environment, spiritual health, mental health, physical health, emotional state, and their relationships, both past and present. As a result, when ministers stand in need of restoration, they need a holistic plan that will address all the factors that contribute to their behaviors, choices, and health. Without comprehensive support, ministers may experience incomplete restoration, which will hinder their recovery and limit their contribution to the Kingdom. Further, an incomplete restoration process may open doors for further incidents that may permanently damage one's spiritual health, relationships with others, ministries, and legacy in the Kingdom. Thus, it remains imperative that ministers and district leaders understand the need for a comprehensive, holistic approach to ministerial restoration. As a result, this project sought to improve the current ministerial restoration process in New Birth Church and assist leaders in recognizing ministers as holistic beings with spiritual, mental, physical, and relational needs that contribute to their behaviors and decision-making processes.