Geophysical and Geochemical Assessment of the Impact of Domestic Waste Dumps on Groundwater in Parts of Ilorin, Southwestern Nigeria
Abdulrahman, Habib Muhammad
Olasehinde, P. I.
Kwara State University (Nigeria)
144 p.
Kwara State University (Nigeria)
An assessment of the quality of groundwater in hand dug wells in parts of Ilorin, south western Nigeria was done using geophysical and geochemical techniques with a view to determine the impact of waste dumpsites on the groundwater quality, sixteen (16) water samples were taken randomly at varying depths within the vicinity. The cation and heavy metal analyses were done in accordance to APHA standard using the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) while the anion analyses were carried out using the ion chromatography, Argentometric, colorimetric, Turbidimetric, Ultra-visible screening and titrimetric methods. Forty (40) vertical electrical sounding (VES) points were studied using the terrameter and winresist, IPI2 WIN, and SURFER 11 software were used to interprete the data. The electrical resistivity interpretations showed that the subsurface has four to five layers which are top soil, laterite, clayey/sandy clay, weathered basement and fresh basement rocks at various points across the study area. Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) carried out showed that the study area is overlain by 0.3 to 10 m thick lateritic topsoil with resistivity values between 102 ohm m and 1133 ohm m which serves as a hard pan which prevent the leachate from percolating into the groundwater in the study area. It is however observed that in the absence of a properly designed leachate collection system, uncontrolled accumulation of leachate at the base of the landfill poses potential contamination risk to groundwater resource in the future. The results of hydrochemical analysis of water samples from the wells showed a high iron concentration which is greater than the World Health Organisation (WHO) recommendation standard confirming iron contamination in groundwater around dumpsites within the study area.