The Experience of Ambiguous Loss and Adaptability for American Third Culture Kids Repatriated to the United States: A Phenomenological Study
Misanko, Desiree Lynne
DuBose, Todd
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology
91 p.
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology
In the first edition of "Third Culture Kids: Growing Up Among Worlds" written in 1999 author David Pollock stated that "Third culture kids (TCKs) are not new, and they are not few. They have been a part of the earth's population from the earliest migration. They are normal people with the usual struggles and pleasures of life. But because they have grown up with different experiences from those who have lived primarily in one culture... we have seen a set of patterns of behavior or reactions to life emerge that stem from the cross-cultural and high-mobility aspects of their upbringing" (Pollock, Van Reken, & Pollock, 2017). This statement personifying the uniqueness of this population and clarifying the need for awareness of their experience in order to effectively offer mental health interventions. Since that statement in 1999 there has been a consistent increase in the research surrounding TCKs. However, there are still major gaps in that research, especially in regard to the experiences of specific subgroups of TCKs. This phenomenological study employed a semi-structured culturally sensitive interview to inform the experience of six third culture kids within one of those subgroups. This subgroup having experienced life in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia for an extended time as "corporate brats" (Pollock, Van Reken, & Pollock, 2017) with parents working for the oil company Saudi Aramco. Then the inevitable acculturation experience of the return to their country of origin the United States of America. All the participants discussed themes related to leaving their home in Saudi Arabia and its impact on their emotional well-being due to loss of support, validation of experience and sense of belonging. The goal of this study being to offer insight into those experiences and subsequently potential areas for intervention to counterbalance the negative impacts of their acculturation journey.