Influence of Personal and Situational Characteristics on Knowledge Transfer Inselected Tertiary Institutions in North-Central, Nigeria
Baker, Shefiu Adebayo
Abdulraheem, Issa
Kwara State University (Nigeria)
162 p.
Kwara State University (Nigeria)
There is a general complaint on decline rate on the quality and standard of education in Nigeria. Arising from this, the employed graduate have to be subjected to the further training in there various places of work. However, the mix of cognitive capacity of degree holders seems not to complement efficiency in transfer of knowledge. The objective of the study was to determine the effect of personal and situational characteristics (measured by cognitive ability, drive to apply acquired training, management support and interpersonal relationship) on transfer of knowledge (measured by effectiveness and efficiency). A survey research design was adopted and the primary data was collected from academic staffs of higher institutions in North-central of Nigeria through self-administered questionnaire. The questionnaires were administered to 508 respondents which were selected from the population of 4,358 through a random sampling technique. Out of which 339 were retrieved from respondents. This study employed multiple regression analysis and Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) as statistical analysis techniques. SPSS was used for the data screening, testing of normality, linearity, multi-colinearity and preliminary analyses, whereas, PLS-SEM was used for both measurement model and structural model to test hypothesize variables. Validity and reliability were determined through Cranach alpha and pilot study. The cronbach alpha result were as followed; 0.78, 0.77, 0.77, 0.76, 0.77, 0.76 for cognitive ability, interpersonal relationship, drive to apply, organization support, effectiveness and efficiency respectively. The multiple regression analysis was used to analyze the data and hypotheses were tested at 5% significance. The result shown that there was significance relationship between cognitive ability and transfer of knowledge based on effectiveness(β = 0.197,t = 2.585,p < 0.004),hypothesis two result revealed that Drive to apply knowledge trained was related to transfer of knowledge based on effectiveness(β = 0.187, t = 2.679, p < 0.008),Hypothesis three result shown that there is relationship between interpersonal relationship and transfer of knowledge based on effectiveness (β = 0.287,t = 4.962, p < 0.000) and hypothesis four result revealed that there is a significant relationship between organizational support and knowledge transfer based on effectiveness (β = 0.187, t = 2.679, p < 0.000). Furthermore, it is apparent that the significant positive influence of cognitive ability, Drive to Apply Acquired Training, Interpersonal Relationship and organizational support indicate that the variables are essential requirements in enhancing effective transfer of knowledge. The study, therefore, concluded that academic staff in the higher institutions should develop more interest on cognitive ability, drive to apply acquired training, management support and interpersonal relationship among peers to enhancing effective transfer of knowledge. It was recommended that Organizational leaders should foster an environment that increases self-efficacy, learning confidence and motivation to learn and then measure its effectiveness in terms of knowledge transfer. The study further recommended that there is a dive need to create a learning culture that focuses on learning as a means to an end and not just an end.