Cultural Life Scripts and Life Stories of Saudi Deaf Men
Alofi, Abdullah S.
Clark, Mary D.
Lamar University - Beaumont
113 p.
Lamar University - Beaumont
This quantitative study explored the life scripts and life stories of Saudi deaf men to identify the culturally expected events within their typical Saudi life. Only one study has been attempted to understand this Deaf-centric perspective as most research regarding deaf Saudis has taken an etic or outside view. Here, an emic or insider view, framed the study as it directly asked deaf Saudis about their experiences growing up in a culture that does not support Deaf culture and tends to see deaf Saudis from a deficit perspective. Therefore, this study investigated the impact of deaf Saudis growing up in hearing families to understand how they interpreted the cultural life scripts of Saudi society as well as the impact of these scripts on these deaf Saudis' own life stories. The researcher interviewed twenty deaf male Saudis between the ages of 30 and 55 to explore their life expectations and experiences. The interviews were conducted in Saudi Arabian Sign Language (SASL) to ensure the participants' comprehension of the questions as most deaf Saudis have a low level of literacy. Participants came from different cities and educational backgrounds. Then the data was calculated by using descriptive statistics. The events reported with a frequency of 25 percent of the participants becoming the master list for both the life scripts and the life stories. Results were compared to American Deaf Life Scripts for deaf individuals who were also raised in hearing homes and used spoken language in their early education.