Empowering Nigerian Immigrant Women Through Reproductive Education: Impact on Socio-economic Development
Juwah, Bridget
Amayo, Osagie F.
University of Phoenix
171 p.
University of Phoenix
If the Nigerian immigrant women in Southern California will be able to enhance their socio economic status and live healthy reproductive lifestyles it would come through educational empowerment. The idea of Empowering Nigerian immigrant Women through Reproductive Education becomes the purpose of this study. All the chapters in this proposal have been examined to synchronize with literary reviews of all relevant scholarly work that highlights and clarifies appropriate intellectual work in recent literature reviews, methodology and analysis of data vis-à-vis descriptive correlation quantitative method. Specifically survey questionnaires were developed as an instrument that will be used to gather pertinent data from the sample of the population that was set aside for this study. The theoretical and conceptual frameworks for this study reflect specific theories that integrate Radical Feminist Theory and Abraham Maslow's Theory of self-esteem. The consistency of response by the subject at different times indicates certain level of reliability and validity of the questionnaires and instrument design for this study. Spearman correlations statistical tool was used to determine the degree of relationship among the variables to be tested for this study. Some of the assumptions in this study indicate some Nigerian women's lack of educational knowledge concerning reproductive decisions and sexual behavior, which might hinder or enhance their socio-economic status.