Fatawa and Their Development Since the Early Islamic Era
Dalvi, Mohammed Subhan
Bunt, Gary R.
University of Wales Trinity Saint David (United Kingdom)
117 p.
University of Wales Trinity Saint David (United Kingdom)
In recent years, the study of Muslims and Islam has increased due to the current political climate and various conflicts around the world. The issuing of Islamic legal rulings, otherwise known as fatāwā, has drawn interest from Muslims and non-Muslims. This paper seeks to discuss the development of fatāwā from the early Islamic era and its importance to Muslims throughout history. The prominence of the internet and social media has been integral in the dissemination of Islamic rulings throughout the world in the current age. In effect, this has given a platform to many individuals who possess varying levels of Islamic scholarship to issue legal reasoning at will. The author discusses polarisation and confusion within the Muslim community due to Islamic legal rulings being so vastly available on the internet. Several fatāwā are presented to show the disparity in interpreting Islamic jurisprudence; as a result, a single enquiry regarding ritual worship by a layman may produce multiple answers based on different understandings of the Qur'ān and Hadīth (Prophetic statements). Likewise, the author discusses the classical Islamic ideal regarding the role of a mufti (an issuer of Islamic legal rulings) and how this has changed. Classically, a mufti was perceived as an individual who possessed knowledge of various sciences and exhibited great piety; his views would be highly instrumental in shaping the methodology practiced by Muslims. At present, the credentials of a web muftī are obscure which has made their work difficult to accept or critique. This research paper details such issues and highlights how the concept of fatāwā has changed from the early Islamic era to the current, digital age.
Islamic culture
Religious history
Dalvi, Mohammed Subhan
Bunt, Gary R.
University of Wales Trinity Saint David (United Kingdom)