Finite Element Study on the Lateral Behavior of Tessellated Structural-architectural Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls
Moeini, Mohammad
Okumus, Pinar
State University of New York at Buffalo
71 p.
State University of New York at Buffalo
This thesis investigates the structural behavior of tessellated structural-architectural (TeSA) shear wall systems that are made of pre-fabricated concrete tessellated elements (repetitive patterns of similar tiles), and have the ability to localize structural damage. TeSA walls can be used for rapid construction, reconfiguration, disassembly, and reuse, as they are built of repetitive discrete tiles. This study covers topologically interlocking TeSA walls in one and two directions (1D and 2D interlocking), for which the separation of tiles is prevented in one or two directions, respectively, through interlocking of each piece to neighboring pieces. Finite element analysis is used to understand the fundamental behavior and the capacity of the TeSA walls. An existing conventional shear wall, for which test data is available, is modeled in a finite element package. Modeling details, material data, and boundary conditions are validated by comparing the numerical model and the test results. The validated modeling technique is then adopted to characterize the behavior of the 1D and 2D TeSA walls. First, the behavior of the 1D interlocking TeSA walls is studied. 1D TeSA walls have interlocking in one direction, in addition, vertical unbonded post-tensioning (PT) strands provide stability and self-centering. Results of the monotonic pushover analysis show that the 1D interlocking walls with PT are able to offer similar capacities compared to an equivalent conventional wall with no PT. Increasing PT force also increases initial stiffness of TeSA walls. Next, monotonic push-over analysis of the 2D interlocking TeSA wall is conducted, and lateral load-displacement behaviors of the conventional and the TeSA walls are compared. The results indicate that the TeSA wall behavior is affected by the continuity and the pattern of the tiles along the edge of the wall. Progression of damage in tiles at different drift ratios is investigated, and the number of damaged tiles that would need replacement is studied. A comprehensive parametric study is conducted on the 2D interlocking TeSA walls, which shows that friction coefficient and concrete compression strength have negligible effect on the lateral load deformation behavior of walls. Reinforcement ratio has considerable effect on the wall capacity. In addition to finite element analysis, a simplified analytical method is proposed to estimate the lateral load capacity of 2D TeSA wall, which provided results close to ones from the numerical simulations.