Investigating the Role of Imams in Serving the Mental Health Needs of Muslim Americans
Fawzy, Omar
Kakkar, Shannon
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology
112 p.
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology
Literature suggests the majority of Muslim Americans go to their Imams for their mental health needs rather than professional counseling. This study was aimed at investigating the role of the Imam in serving the mental health needs of Muslim Americans. Seven Imams across the Eastern and Midwestern U.S. were interviewed to understand their experiences in addressing their community's mental health concerns, and how the Imams aid those individuals who seek out counseling services from them. The five domains that were identified included, their role in serving the community, their definition of mental health, the various mental health concerns they address, how the Imams address those concerns, and lastly, suggestions for the mental health community. Each domain provided themes that both support previous research as well as provide new information for how to better serve the growing Muslim American community in the United States.