A Christian Perspective on Basic Requirements for Dialogue between Judaism, Christianity and Islam
Beck, Patricia L.
Hawkins, Maryann
Anderson University
89 p.
Anderson University
Judaism, Islam and Trinitarian Christianity have common elements which can foster positive dialogue between the members of these faiths. One area of connection is through each faith's identify with the God of Abraham and their belief that God is a single deity. Another area of commonality is that all three share beliefs about ministry to the poor and marginalized. Additionally, theological differences affect the exchange between the members of these three faiths and understanding these differences can assist with respectful interaction with each other. It is important for Christians [JV1][Ps2]1to understand what their scriptures reveal to them concerning how they are to interact with people from the other two Abrahamic faiths. Through the teachings of Jesus and the actions of the members of the early church, we can find positive exchanges for Christians to follow. The area of ministry to the poor and marginalized is an area where these three faiths can come and work together. Interpersonal connections in this area will allow for a reduction of mistrust and promote positive interactions. Dialogues that reduce negative interactions can lead to less hatred and violence between the members of these groups. Working together and getting to know one another can foster respect and Godly love among their participants.