Cross Cultural Adaptation and Validation of a Measurement Tool Assessing the Relation of Mindful Organizing to Psychological Safety, Commitment to Patient Safety, Trust in Leader and Workplace Social Support across Professional Disciplines Providing Integrated Medical Care
Bazzi, Asma Issa
Cardillo, Carlos
Trident University International
300 p.
Trident University International
There is a lack of evidence for the validity and reliability of mindful organizing in the diagnostic and therapeutic medical professions in Lebanon. This study culturally adapted and validated an English-Arabic measurement tool designed to investigate the relation of the mindful organizing (MO) to workplace psychological constructs: trust in leader fairness and integrity (TL), commitment to patient safety, team psychological safety (PS), workplace social support, task interdependence (TI), and reporting of patient safety events (RE). Fifty-one diagnostic and therapeutic medical professionals recruited by convenience and referral, evaluated the 52 questionnaire items for equivalence in translation, clarity, ease of understanding, and relevance. The cultural adaptation and content validation were assessed using the content validity index, content validity ratio, modified kappa, and qualitatively. Qualitative and quantitative results provided preliminary evidence of the reliability and validity of the measurement tool. Using Wrap PLS Software 6, structural equation modeling supported theoretically predicted relationships between MO and TL in the casual composite factor view (β = .49, p < .01), and common factor view (β = .59, p < .01). The MO-RE path loses its statistical significance after accounting for the influence of TI. Team PS as an antecedent of RE had a stronger effect than its moderating role of the MO-RE path. Study findings suggest the impact of face valid measuring indicators (MO, TL, PS, RE, TI) on the explained variance of its respective underlying constructs (≥ 20%-63%) extends indirectly to other latent variables in the measurement model (up to 19%).