Revival Cry: Creating A Church Culture that Hungers and Thirsts for Revival Utilizing Life Church in Williamstown, New Jersey as a Prototype
Morgan, Jamie P.
Tennant, Carolyn
Assemblies of God Theological Seminary
247 p.
Assemblies of God Theological Seminary
The declension of the Church remains undeniable; compromise and worldliness are ubiquitous in both pulpit and pew. The Church is in dire need of revival. Pastors have the responsibility to create a church culture where people hunger and thirst for revival, a task entrenched with prayer for revival. God's people, however, will not pray for something they do not grasp or perceive they need. This project led the people of Life Church, Williamstown, New Jersey, in a thorough study of biblical, historic, and contemporary revivals. Revival, an eight-week sermon series, immersed Life Church in Holy Spirit outpourings. The series illustrated what fully alive Christians look like and how the Church has fallen far from God's original intention. The project embedded a culture of revival into the fabric of the church. At the conclusion of Revival, a twenty-four-hour prayer meeting for a worldwide awakening ensued, so congregants could embrace the urgent mandate to pray for revival. The outcomes from this project produced compelling results and provided statistical support of the project's thesis: a Christian who understands the concept of revival and sees the need for it will hunger and thirst for revival and pray for it. Therefore, it proves possible to create a revival church culture by providing an extended, in-depth teaching on revival and opportunities to pray for revival. This project will assist local church pastors, prayer leaders, and seminary and Christian university administrators in creating a culture that seeks for revival in their ministry context.