Introduction: the early Muslim presence and its significance / Hishaam D. Aidi and Manning Marable -- Locating Palestine in pre-1948: black internationalism / Alex Lubin -- Black orientalism: its genesis, aims, and significance for American Islam / Sherman A. Jackson -- Islamism and its African American Muslim critics: black Muslims in the era of Arab cold war / Edward E. Curtis IV -- East of the sun (west of the moon): Islam, the Ahmadis, and African America / Moustafa Bayoumi -- Representing permanent war: black power's Palestine and the end(s) of civil rights / Keith P. Feldman -- From Harlem to Algiers: transnational solidarities between the African American freedom movement and Algeria, 1962-1978 / Samir Meghelli -- Let us be Moors: race, Islam, and "connected histories" / Hishaam D. Aidi -- Constructing masculinity: interactions between Islam and African American youth since Eric Lincoln's the Black Muslims in America / Richard Brent Turner -- Through Sunni women's eyes: black feminism and the Nation of Islam / Jamilla Karim -- Black Arabic: some notes on African American Muslims and the Arabic language / Su'ad Abdul Khabeer -- Lights, camera, suspension: freezing the frame on the Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf-Anthem controversy / Zareena Grewal -- Protect ya neck (remix): Muslims and carceral imagination in the age of Guantánamo / Sohail Daulatzai -- Overlapping diasporas, multiracial lives: South Asian Muslims in U.S. communities of color, 1880-1970 / Vivek Bald -- West African "soul brothers" in Harlem: immigration, Islam, and the black encounter / Zain Abdullah -- The Blackstone legacy: Islam and the rise of ghetto cosmopolitanism / Rami Nashashibi -- Jihadis in the hood: race, urban Islam, and the war on terror / Hishaam D. Aidi -- Rediscovering Malcolm's life: a historian's adventures in living history / Manning Marable.
"The authors included in this volume explore different dimensions of the more than century-long interaction between Black America and Islam. Starting with the 19th century narratives of African American travelers to the Holy Land, the following chapters probe Islam's role in urban social movements, music and popular culture, gender dynamics, relations between African Americans and Muslim immigrants, and the racial politics of American Islam with the ongoing war in Iraq and the US's deepening involvement in the Orient."--Book cover.