Includes bibliographical references (pages 247-250) and index.
Part I: The need for dialogue: setting the context -- The need for harmony and collaboration between Muslims and Christians -- The Islamic context of Muslim-Christian relations -- Islam and Christianity: between tolerance and acceptance -- Roots of Muslim-Christian conflict -- Christian-Muslim dialogue: goals and obstacles -- Part II: Critical theological and juridical issues: a comparative perspective -- A Muslim appreciation of Christian holiness -- Martyrdom in Christianity and Islam -- The idea of redemption in Christianity and Islam -- Dhimmah in the Qur'an and Hadith -- Part III: Christological issues: Muslim perspectives -- The miracle of Jesus: Muslim reflections on the Divine Word -- Jesus the Son of God: a study of the Terms Ibn and Walad in the Qur'an and Tafsīr tradition -- Toward an Islamic Christology I: An image of Jesus in Early Shiʻi Muslim literature -- Toward an Islamic Christology II: The death of Jesus, reality or delusion--a study of the death of Jesus in Tafsi��r literature -- Part IV: Muslim-Christian dialogue in the Modern World: comparative studies -- Nearest in Amity: Christians in the Qur'an and contemporary exegetical tradition -- Muslim views of Christianity: some modern examples -- Pope John Paul II on Islam.