Introduction: A clash of civilisations? / David Fisher and Brian Wicker -- pt. 1. The role of religion in shaping terrorism and the responses to it. Terrorism and Islamic theologies of religiously-sanctioned war / Tim Winter -- Challenging Al-Qaʻida's justification of terror / Ahmad Achtar -- Challenging the political theology of America's 'War on terror' / Richard Lock-Pullan -- pt. 2. Responding to the terrorist threat. Philip Bobbitt's Terror and consent : a brief critique / Michael Howard -- Just war and state sovereignty / Brian Wicker -- Terror and pre-emption : can military pre-emption ever be just? / David Fisher -- How much of our liberties and privacy do we need to give up for public security? / David Omand -- pt. 3. New ways to counter the threat. Just wars, just outcomes : reconciling just outcomes in military intervention / Shenaz Bunglawala, Rosemary Durward and Paul Schulte -- 'Eating soup with a knife' : counterinsurgency and just war / Hugh Beach -- Going off the reservation into the sanctuary : cross-border counter-terrorist operations, fourth generation warfare and the ethical insufficiency of contemporary just war thinking / Paul Schulte -- Countering the threat of nuclear terrorism / Nick Ritchie -- pt. 4. Afterword : concluding reflections. A re-emphasis more than a reply / Philip Bobbitt -- Countering terrorism justly : reflections nine years after 9/11 / David Fisher and Brian Wicker.
Following the 9/11 attacks by Al-Qa'ida, President Bush declared war on terror. In the succeeding years, Western governments have struggled to find the right way to respond to the new and deadly threat posed by terrorism. With the election of President Obama the rhetoric has softened and policies have been adjusted but the underlying problems and challenges remain the same. Meanwhile, the war on terrorism in Afghanistan has been intensified. Drawing on just war teaching as developed within both Christian and Muslim traditions, this book examines whether, and how, liberal democracies can combat.
Just war on terror?.
Just war doctrine.
Terrorism-- Prevention-- Moral and ethical aspects.
War on Terrorism, 2001-2009.
War-- Religious aspects-- Christianity.
War-- Religious aspects-- Islam.
Gerechter Krieg.
Internationaler Terrorismus.
Just war doctrine.
RELIGION-- Christian Theology-- Ethics.
Terrorism-- Prevention-- Moral and ethical aspects.