Background issues and challenges in Kant's cosmopolitanism / Garrett Wallace Brown, Áron Telegdi-Csetri -- Cosmopolitan right and universal citizenship / Gary Banham -- Kantian republicanism in the international sphere : equal sovereignty as a condition of global justice / Kjartan Koch Mikalsen -- Provisional publicity / Heather M. Roff -- Republicanism and cosmopolitanism : a Kantian reconciliation / Kostas Koukouzelis -- The realisability of Kant's cosmopolitan values / Sorin Baiasu -- Rethinking 'Kant's Europe' and cosmopolitan right / Garrett Wallace Brown -- Rereading Kantian hospitality for the present / Dilek Huseyinzadegan -- Taking a detour : Kant's theory of moral cosmopolitan education / Georg Cavallar -- Is there a cosmopolitan impetus behind Kant's definition of taste as the discipline of genius? An appraisal / Ştefan-Sebastian Maftei
This volume explores Kant's cosmopolitanism and its implications for a Kantian-inspired cosmopolitics. The contributors provide a definitive source and specification of key new areas in the field of Kantian cosmopolitanism and how it is integral to current debates in political theory, political philosophy and international relations.