Includes bibliographical references (pages 310-328) and index.
"Hi honey. I'm home." -- The way it is: givens and realities of police work -- The police officer's paradox -- Growing old in a young person's profession: how officers change with time -- Organizational stress: looking for love in all the wrong places -- Remarkable events -- Critical incidents, stress, and trauma -- From victim to survivor: working through trauma -- From battlefront to homefront: families and trauma -- Kids and trauma -- Emotional extremes -- Domestic abuse: the best-kept secret shame of policing -- Alcohol abuse and suicide -- Getting help -- Getting the help you need when you need it -- Special families, special issues -- Swimming upstream: special challenges facing women, minorities, lesbians, and gay men in law enforcement -- Cop couples -- Summing up -- Success stories.
Describes ways that the families of police officers can deal with the challenges that arise due to the stress of a police officer's career.
Guilford Pubn, 72 Spring st, New York, NY, USA, 10012, (212)4319800