CONTENTS; Preface; Acknowledgments; Note on Spelling, Photographs, and Currencies; Map of Atomic Energy, Space, and Defense Research Centers in 1974; Atomic Energy, Space, and Defense Research Centers in 1974; List of Abbreviations; Introduction; Building Scientific Careers in the 1920s: Saha and Bhatnagar, from London to Allahabad and Lahore; The Bangalore Affair, 193538: Scientists and Conflict around C.V. Raman; Imagining a Scientific State: Nehru, Scientists, and Political Planning, 193842; Homi Bhabha Confronts Science in India, 193944.
Indian Scientists Engage the Empire: The CSIR and the Idea of Atomic and Industrial PowerSaha, Bhatnagar, and Bhabha in Contrast, 194445; Restless in Calcutta: Meghnad Saha's Institution-Building; Bhatnagar Builds a Chain of National Laboratories and StepsUpward; Bhabha Builds His Institute in Bombay; The Politics of the Early Indian Atomic Energy Committee and Commission; Scientists' Networks, Nehru, and India's Defense Research and Development; A gallery of.
In 1974 India joined the elite roster of nuclear world powers when it exploded its first nuclear bomb. But the technological progress that facilitated that feat was set in motion many decades before, as India sought both independence from the British and respect from the larger world. Over the course of the twentieth century, India metamorphosed from a marginal place to a serious hub of technological and scientific innovation. It is this tale of transformation that Robert S. Anderson recounts in Nucleus and Nation. Tracing the long institutional and individual preparations for India's first nu.