pt. 4. Everyday Christian experience. Social levels, morals and daily life / Bruce J. Malina -- Sex and sexual renunciation / Teresa M. Shaw -- Women, worship and mission : the church in the household / Gillian Cloke -- Communication and travel / Blake Leyerle -- Worship, practice and belief / Maxwell E. Johnson -- pt. 5. The intellectual heritage. The Apostolic Fathers / Carolyn Osiek -- The apologists / Eric Osborn -- The early theologians / Gerald Bray -- Later theologians of the Greek East / Andrew Louth -- Later theologians of the West / Ivor Davidson -- Creeds, councils and doctrinal development / Trevor Hart -- Biblical interpretation / Oskar Skarsaune.
v. 1. pt. 1. The context. The Mediterranean context of early Christianity / Philip F. Esler -- Armies, emperors and bureaucrats / Jill Harris -- Graeco-Roman philosophy and religion / Luther H. Martin -- Jewish tradition and culture / James K. Aitken -- pt. 2. Christian origins and development. The Galilean world of Jesus / Seán Freyne -- Early Jewish Christianity / David G. Horrell -- Paul and the development of gentile Christianity / Todd Klutz -- The Jesus tradition : the gospel writers' strategies of persuasion / Richard L. Rohrbaugh -- Christianity in the second and third centuries / Jeffrey S. Siker -- From Constantine to Theodosius (and beyond) / Bill Leadbetter -- pt. 3. Community formation and maintenance. Mission and expansion / Thomas M. Finn -- The development of office in the early church / Mark Edwards -- Christian regional diversity / David G.K. Taylor -- Monasticism / Columba Stewart.
v. 2. pt. 6. The artistic heritage. Architecture : the first five centuries / L. Michael White -- Art / Robin M. Jensen -- Music / James W. McKinnon -- Imaginative literature / Richard Bauckham -- pt. 7. External challenges. Martrydom and political oppression / W.H.C. Frend -- Graeco-Roman philosophical opposition / Michael Bland Simmons -- Popular Graeco-Roman responses to Christianity / Craig de Vos -- pt. 8. Internal challenges. Internal renewal and dissent in the early Christian world / Sheila E. McGinn -- Gnosticism / Alastair H.B. Logan -- Montanism / Christine Trevett -- Donatism / James Alexander -- Arianism / David Rankin -- pt. 9. Profiles. Origen / Fred Norris -- Tertullian / David Wright -- Perpetua and Felicitas / Ross S. Kraemer and Shira L. Lander -- Constantine / Bill Leadbetter -- Anthony of the Desert / Columba Stewart -- Athanasius / David Brakke -- John Chrysostom / Pauline Allen and Wendy Mayer -- Jerome / Dennis Brown -- Ambrose / Ivor Davidson -- Augustine / Carol Harrison -- Ephrem the Syrian / Kathleen E. McVey -- Julian the Apostate / Michael Bland Simmons.
Church history-- Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600.
Église-- Histoire-- ca 30-600 (Église primitive)