The right way to write -- What is a sentence, anyway? -- Filling out sentence fragments -- Putting a stop to going on and on -- Good beginnings, good endings -- Comma sense -- More jobs for commas -- Getting fancy with semicolons and colons -- Controlling quotation marks -- The mysteries of apostrophes and dashes -- The finer points of punctuation -- Verbs that follow the rules -- Rebellious verbs -- Don't be tense about verbs -- Making subjects and verbs agree -- Beating the pronoun odds -- Problem verbs and pronouns -- Modifier etiquette -- Tricky words -- More tricky words.
Presents twenty lessons on sentences, parts of speech, and punctuation, providing real-world examples, and features "grammar IQ" quizzes at the beginning of each chapter and a final exam.
Grammar essentials.
English language-- Grammar, Handbooks, manuals, etc.