Deciding to start a business -- Choosing the form of your business -- Naming your business -- Preparing a business plan -- Financing your business -- Locating your business -- Licensing your business -- Contract laws -- Insurance -- Your business and the Internet -- Health and safety laws -- Employment and labor laws -- Advertising and promotion laws -- Payment and collection -- Business relations law -- Endless laws -- Bookkeeping and accounting -- Paying taxes.
"The Weekend Small Business Start-up Guide is the easy-to-follow resource that gets your new business up and running in a matter of days. It gives your business an extra shot at success by helping you think through and put into place certain preliminaries"--Publisher website (October 2007).
System requirements for accompanying CD-ROM: Compatible with both PC and Mac operating systems; Microsoft Word or another word processing program that can read Word files.
Sourcebooks Inc, Po Box 4410, Naperville, IL, USA, 60567-4410, (630)9612161
New business enterprises-- Law and legislation-- United States, Popular works.
Small business-- Law and legislation-- United States, Popular works.