Prolific Domains; Editorial page; Title page; LCC page; Epigraph; Table of contents; Preface; Abbreviations; Locality in grammar; Rigorous Minimalism and Anti-Locality; Anti-Locality in anaphoric dependencies; Copy Spell Out and left dislocation; The Anti-Locality of clitic left dislocation; Prolific Domains in the nominal layer; Successive cyclicity revisited; A note on dynamic syntax; Final remarks; References; Name index; Language index; Subject index; The series LINGUISTIK AKTUELL/LINGUISTICS TODAY.
Standard conceptions of Locality aim to establish that a dependency between two positions may not span too long a distance. This book explores the opposite conception, Anti-Locality: Don't move too close. The model of clause structure, syntactic computation, and locality concerns Kleanthes Grohmann develops makes crucial use of derivational sub-domains, Prolific Domains, each encapsulating particular context information (thematic, agreement, discourse). The Anti-Locality Hypothesis is the attempt to exclude anti-local movement from the grammar by banning movement within a Prolific Domain, a Ba.
Prolific domains.
Grammar, Comparative and general-- Syntax.
Minimalist theory (Linguistics)
Grammar & Punctuation.
Grammar, Comparative and general-- Syntax.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES-- Grammar & Punctuation.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES-- Linguistics-- Syntax.