Cover -- Half-title -- Title -- Copyright -- Contents -- Contributors -- Preface -- Section 1 Introduction -- Chapter 1 Neurobiology and etiology of primary schizophrenia: current status -- Organic/functional versus the primary/secondary categorization: a historical perspective -- Schizophrenia as a quintessential 8220;primary8221; psychotic disorder -- Investigating primary versus secondary schizophrenia -- Conclusions -- References -- Chapter 2 The concept of organicity and its application to schizophrenia -- Introduction -- Why not 8220;organic8221;? -- The alternative -- References -- Chapter 3 Secondary hallucinations -- Introduction -- Epidemiology of hallucinations in the community -- Prevalence of hallucinations in psychiatric disorders -- Prevalence of hallucinations in organic disorders -- Secondary visual hallucinations -- Spectrum of visual perceptual disturbances -- Visual hallucinations in normal individuals -- Neurobiology of visual hallucinations -- Visual hallucinations in psychiatric disorders -- Visual hallucinations in neurological disorders -- Visual hallucinations in substance-related states -- Secondary auditory hallucinations: Spectrum of auditory perceptual disturbances -- Auditory hallucinations in psychiatric disorders: schizophrenia -- Auditory hallucinations in neurologic disorders -- Secondary olfactory and gustatory hallucinations -- Olfactory and gustatory hallucinations in psychiatric illness -- Olfactory and gustatory hallucinations in neurological disorders -- Secondary tactile hallucinations Tactile hallucinations in normal individuals -- Tactile hallucinations in psychiatric disorders -- Tactile hallucinations in neurological disorders -- Discussion -- References -- Section 2 The neurology of schizophrenia -- Chapter 4 The neurologic examination in schizophrenia -- Introduction -- Review -- The significance of global impairment -- Detecting specific etiologies of secondary schizophrenia -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 5 Functional neuroimaging in schizophrenia -- Brain function and schizophrenia -- Electroencephalography, cerebral blood flow, and the earliest functional imaging of schizophrenia -- Hypofrontality -- Cerebral disconnectivity and schizophrenia -- Aberrant regional recruitment under a task -- Resting disconnectivity -- EEG -- Structural (volumetric) intercorrelations -- Functional imaging correlates of clinical symptomatology -- Receptor occupancy evaluation with PET -- Conclusion and new directions -- References -- Section 3 Organic syndromes of schizophrenia -- Chapter 6 Schizophrenia-like psychosis and epilepsy -- Introductory caveats -- Categorization -- Ictal psychosis -- Postictal psychosis -- Brief interictal psychosis -- Chronic interictal psychosis -- Future directions -- References -- Chapter 7 Understanding the pathophysiology of schizophrenia through the looking glass of forced normalization -- Introduction -- Forced normalization in epilepsy 8211; evolution of a concept -- Forced normalization 8211; clinical features and diagnosis -- Putative neurobiological mechanisms -- Implications for a neurobiological understanding of schizophrenia -- References -- Chapter 8 Substance-induced psychosis: an overview -- Introduction -- Definition -- Research directions -- Susceptibility fo.
Schizophrenia may not be a single disease, but the result of a diverse set of related conditions. Modern neuroscience is beginning to reveal some of the genetic and environmental underpinnings of schizophrenia; however, an approach less well travelled is to examine the medical disorders that produce symptoms resembling schizophrenia. This book is the first major attempt to bring together the diseases that produce what has been termed 'secondary schizophrenia'. International experts from diverse backgrounds ask the questions: does this medical disorder, or drug, or condition cause psychosis? If yes, does it resemble schizophrenia? What mechanisms form the basis of this relationship? What implications does this understanding have for aetiology and treatment? The answers are a feast for clinicians and researchers of psychosis and schizophrenia. They mark the next step in trying to meet the most important challenge to modern neuroscience 'Äì understanding and conquering this most mysterious of human diseases.