Includes bibliographical references (pages 337-380) and index.
Machine derived contents note: Preface; Introduction: can the state rule without justice?; Part I. An Outline of a Materialist Political Theory: 1. A challenge to materialism; 2. A framework for the state; 3. The revolt against theory; 4. State autonomy; Part II. An Assessment of the Place of Justice in the State: 5. Ideal justice; 6. Property and justice; 7. Repression and radical justice; 8. Justice and materialism; 9. Equality and liberty; 10. Class and the limits of control; Part III. A Functional View of Political Institutions: 11. On functional explanation; 12. Power and function; 13. Democracy, its bright and dark sides; 14. Welfare capitalism; 15. The new mercantilism; 16. Organized labor and the state; Part IV. An Account of the Community of States: 17. Global justice; 18. The imperial state; 19. Peace through strength; 20. The Soviet Union as other; Part V.A Reflection on the Transition to a New Kind of State: 21. Liberal egalitarianism; 22. Revolutionary anarchism; 23. Democracy and the transition to socialism; 24. The socialist state; Conclusion: state class, and democracy; Notes; Index.