Includes bibliographical references (pages 1345-1356) and indexes.
Volume 1: Preface -- Part 1: Origins And Development Of The Court -- 1: Origins of judicial power -- Foundations -- Slow start, 1790-1800 -- Establishment of power, 1801-1835 -- Remarkable term, 1819 -- States' rights, 1836-1860 -- War and recovery, 1861-1872 -- Restoring the states, 1873-1888 -- 2: From the Gilded age to the Great Depression -- Business at the court, 1889-1919 -- New times, old court, 1920-1937 -- 3: New Deal, civil rights, and the conservative revival -- Switch in time: the New Deal transition, 1937 -- Court, civil liberties, and civil rights, 1938-1968 -- Conservative revival: from 1969 to the present -- Part 2: Court And The Federal System -- 4: Court and the powers of congress -- Judicial review and legislative power -- Commerce power -- Fiscal and monetary powers -- Power over foreign affairs -- Power to admit states, govern territories, and grant citizenship -- Power to amend the Constitution -- Power to investigate -- Power over internal affairs -- 5: Court and the powers of the President -- Commander in chief -- Architect of foreign policy -- President as executive -- Power to veto and to pardon -- Privilege and immunity -- President versus the court -- 6: Court's role in shaping the powers of the government -- Federal jurisdiction -- Federal judicial power -- Judicial restraint -- 7: Court and the states -- Judicial review of the states -- States and the economy -- State and the individual -- State as sovereign -- Interstate relations -- Part 3: Court And The Individual -- 8: Court and the individual -- In the beginning: few rights and narrow protection, 1789-1865 -- Civil war amendments -- Freedom for ideas -- Political rights -- Equality before the law -- Fundamental fairness -- 9: Freedom for ideas: the First Amendment and the right to believe, to speak, to assemble, to petition, and to publish -- Freedom of speech -- Freedom of the press -- Freedom of religion -- 10: Rights of political participation -- Fair elections and the right to vote -- Right to an equal vote -- Freedom of political association -- 11: Second Amendment and the right to bear arms -- Individual right to a gun -- Second Amendment revival: a loss for the District of Columbia's handgun ban -- 12: Crime and punishment -- Fair trial by jury -- Search and seizure -- Self-incrimination -- Aid of legal counsel -- Double jeopardy -- Cruel and unusual punishment -- 13: Equal rights and equal protection of the laws -- Racial equality -- Equal protection: the alien and the poor -- Sex discrimination -- 14: Liberty and privacy -- Origins of personal privacy -- Abortion, Roe versus Wade, and the controversy that never ends -- Limited "right to die" -- Gay rights -- Indexes, following page 882 -- Case index -- Subject index -- Volume 2: Part 4: Pressures On The Court -- 15: Congressional pressure -- Pressures on the justices -- Pressures on the institution -- Reversals of rulings -- 16: Presidential pressure -- Politics and appointments -- 17: Court, the media, and the public opinion -- Early years, 1780-1850 -- Middle years, 1851-1900 -- Twentieth century, 1901-1950 -- Modern era -- Covering the court -- Court and public opinion -- Rulings and reactions -- Part 5: Court At Work -- 18: How the court decides: operations and traditions -- Schedule of the term -- Reviewing cases -- Arguments -- Conferences -- Opinions -- Traditions -- 19: People of the court -- Chief justice -- Justices -- Supporting personnel -- Supreme Court lawyers -- Supporting organizations -- 20: Courtrooms and costs -- Housing the court -- Cost of the court -- Part 6: Members Of The Court -- 21: Members of the court -- President shall appoint -- Justices' characteristics -- Controversial justices -- 22: Brief biographies -- Reference materials -- Appendix A: Chronological documents and texts -- Declaration of Independence -- Articles of confederation -- Constitution of the United States -- Judiciary act of 1789 -- Circuit court of appeals act of 1891 -- Judiciary act of 1925 -- Rules of the Supreme Court (2010) -- Appendix B: Tables, lists, and graphical data -- Natural courts -- Supreme Court nominations, 1789-2010 -- Glossary of legal terms -- Acts of congress held unconstitutional -- Chronology of major decisions of the court, 1790-2010 -- Quotes and quips from the Supreme Court: who said it? -- Map of the federal court system -- Selected bibliography -- Illustration credit and acknowledgments -- Indexes, following page 1360 -- Case index -- Subject index.
From Publisher's website: This brand new edition of Guide to the U.S. Supreme Court reflects the substantial changes in the makeup of the High Court and landmark rulings from recent Court terms. No other reference on the Court offers so much detail and insight in such a readable format. Updated through the 2008-2009 term, this classic resource explains everything readers need to know about the Supreme Court, from its origins and how it functions to the people who have shaped it and the impact of its decisions on American life and the path of U.S. constitutional law. Updates include: The appointments of Chief Justice John G. Roberts, as well as Associate Justices Samuel Alito and Sonia Sotomayor-featuring biographies and background information. A new chapter on the emergence of Second Amendment protections for the Right to Bear Arms. New content on individual rights. New information and detail on how cases currently get to the Court, and how the process has changed over time. Expanded content on selecting justices and the confirmation politics of judicial appointments. Landmark decisions and key cases: District of Columbia v. Heller (2008)-gun rights and the Second Amendment; Boumediene v. Bush (2008)-Guantanamo and habeas corpus; Roper v. Simmons (2005)-on death penalty and juveniles. Guide to the U.S. Supreme Court covers the Court's entire history; its operations; its power in relation to other branches of government; major decisions affecting the other branches, the states, individual rights and liberties; and biographies of the justices. Appendixes provide additional information on the Court such as the Judiciary Acts of 1789 and 1925 and a list of Acts of Congress found by the Court to be unconstitutional. A general name and subject index speeds research, and a case index quickly guides readers to all decisions discussed in the Guide. Key Features: Covers three new Supreme Court justices and the confirmation process. Demonstrates how cases get to the Court. New content on individual rights. New chapter on the Second Amendment.