Frontiers in artificial intelligence and applications,
v. 162
0922-6389 ;
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Title page; Preface; Organization; Contents; Keynote Speeches; Adaptive Interaction; Assessment and Evaluation; Authoring; CSCL; Knowledge Management; Language Learning; Learning Games; Learning Management and Organization; Learning Platform and Architecture; Learning Science; Learning with Handheld Devices; Mathematics & Science Education; Media Enhanced Interaction; Mobile & Ubiquitous Learning; Programming; Scaffoldings and Reflection; Specific Learning Technologies; Teacher Education; Writing Skills; Doctor Student Consortium (DSC) Papers; Author Index.
Contains a range of issues related to using information technology for learning. This book indicates a move from local support of specific learning activities towards supporting learning and teaching processes in a broader context beyond single tools and individuals users, considering user/learner groups on different levels of granularity.
IOS Press
Supporting learning flow through integrative technologies.