Abstracts and keywords; Introduction; Comparison of socio-economic and other transorganizational development methods; Theatrics of SEAM; An updated presentation of the socio-economic management model; Postmodernism and the socio-economic approach to organizations; Organizational transformation through the socio-economic approach in an industrial context; Enhancing the efficiency of networks in an urban area through socio-economic interventions; Dysfunctions in owner-manager succession process in family firms and how a SEAM intervener-researcher can address them.
Several reasons can account for the decision to devote a special issue of JOCMto the socio-economic theory of organizations (socio-economic approach tomanagement or socio-economic approach to management (SEAM) model). It constitutes an innovative theory in the field of organizational change sinceit contributes in linking together the social dimension of change and theeconomic dimension.