Routledge/ECPR studies in European political science ;
Includes bibliographical references (pages 207-225) and indexes.
Book Cover; Title; Contents; Notes on contributors; Series editor's preface; List of abbreviations; Introduction; Actors, institutions and interdependence; Doing politics and pretending not to: the Commission's role in distributing aid to Eastern Europe; The politics of collegiality: the non-portfolio dimension; The Secretariat General of the European Commission, 1958 2003: a singular institution; Political dynamics of the parallel administration of the European Commission; The invention of a Directorate General for development (1958 1975).
Institutionalizing public health in the European Commission: the thrills and spills of politicizationThe media, the Commission and its legitimacy; Was it really just poor communication? A socio-political reading of the Santer Commission's resignation; The politics of the Commission as an information source; Advertising Europe: the production of public information by the Commission; Publicizing the euro: a case of interest maximization and internal fragmentation.
The European Commission is an organization which has come to fascinate or repulse a range of national politicians, journalists and social scientists. This book investigates this organization's relationship to politics.