Preliminaries; PREFACE; CONTENTS; EXECUTIVE SUMMARY; I URANIUM SUPPLY; II URANIUM DEMAND; III NATIONAL REPORTS ON URANIUM EXPLORATION RESOURCES PRODUCTION DEMAND AND THE ENVIRONMENT; 1 Members of the Joint NEA IAEA Uranium Group; 2 List of Reporting Organisations and Contact Persons; 3 Glossary of Definitions and Terminology; 4 Acronym List; 5 Energy Conversion Factors; 6 Index of National Reports in Red Books; 7 Currency Exchange Rates; 8 Grouping of Countries and Areas with Uranium related Activities.
The "Red Book", jointly prepared by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and the International Atomic Energy Agency, is a recognised world reference on uranium. This edition, the 20th, presents the results of a thorough review of world uranium supplies and demand as of 1 January 2003 based on official information received from 43 countries.