Toward a theory of budgeting / Verne B. Lewis (1952) -- The science of "muddling through" / Charles E. Lindblom (1959) -- Political implications of budgetary reform / Aaron Wildavsky (1961) -- The road to PPB: the stages of budget reform / Allen Schick (1966) -- A budget for all seasons? Why the traditional budget lasts / Aaron Wildawsky (1978) -- Does budget format really govern the actions of budgetmakers? / Gloria A. Grizzle (1986) -- Budgeting for results: recent developments in five industrialized countries / Allen Schick (1990) -- Entrepreneurial budgeting: an emerging reform? / Dan A. Cothran (1993) -- Mission-driven, results-oriented budgeting: fiscal administration and the public management / Fred Thompson (1994) -- Budgeting and productivity in state government: not integrated but friendly / Thomas P. Lauth (1987) -- Linking performance to funding decisions: what is the budgeter's role / Gloria A. Grizzle (1987) -- Management through budgetary incentives / William Earle Kay (1987) -- Strategic planning in state and local government / Robert B. Denhardt (1985) -- Strategy, values, and productivity / Gerald J. Miller, Jack Rabin, and W. Bartley Hildreth (1987) -- Strategy for public and third-sector organizations / Paul C. Nutt and Robert W. Backoff (1995) -- Strategic management in the public sector: concepts, models, and processes / Theodore H. Poister and Gregory D. Streib (1999) -- Applying professional disclosure standards to productivity financial analyses W. Bartley Hildreth (1983) -- Designing appropriate control mechanisms for managing performance in the federal sector / Carolyn Burstein (1983) -- Integrating evaluating and budgeting / Harry S. Havens (1983) -- Performance measures for budget justifications: developing a selection strategy / Gloria A. Grizzle (1985) -- Analyzing the contracting-out of government services: relevant cost-benefit considerations / Stanley C. Wisniewski (1991) -- Bureaucracy, organizational redundancy, and the privatization of public services / Rowan Miranda and Allan Lerner (1995) -- Service efforts and accomplishments reporting: has its time really come? / Richard E. Brown and James B. Pryers (1998) -- A proper mentality for benchmarking / David N. Ammons (1999) -- Can public officials correctly be said to have obligations to future generations? / H. George Frederickson (1994) -- Merit pay, performance targeting, and productivity / Arie Halachmi and Marc Holzer (1987) -- The paradox of merit pay in the public sector: persistence of problematic procedure / J. Edward Kellough and Haoran Lu (1993) -- Of pigs in pokes and policy diffusion: another look at pay-for-performance / Patricia W. Ingraham (1993).
Performance-Based Budgeting, a volume in the ASPA Classics series, offers 31 of the most influential research articles published on modern public budgeting and finance. Current reform efforts have tried to strengthen government accountability by tightening the link between budget decisions and government performance. If the public recognizes and understands the link between funding performance and realizes the public sector achieves results, the public will see the public sectyor and public managers as a productive, necessary, and important part of society. The 28 articles are divided into the following topics: theory, conceptualization, and critique; recent budge practices; evaluation of budgeting for performance; performance management; pay for performance, and dealing with and for the public. A sampling of the writers included is Charles Lindblom, Aaron Wildavsky, Allen Schick, Gloria Grizzle, Fred Thompson, as well as Rowan Miranda, David Ammons and many others. -- from back cover.