Forewords Preface Acknowledgements Chapter 1 Introduction to Yoga A short overview of the history of Yoga Yoga and health Aims to be achieved through practice and principles underlying the exercise approach Research on therapeutic yoga What anatomy teaches for the performance of yoga exercises Final considerations Chapter 2 Mindful exercising Theories of mindfulness Teaching mindfulness and mindful exercising Chapter 3 Diagnosis General considerations about diagnosis and testing Tests of our aims of exercising Exercise and pain Contraindications Chapter 4 Motivation and cognitive-behavioural intervention strategies General considerations Practical measures Chapter 5 Preparatory practice for the yoga art of breathing General introduction Basic anatomy and physiology of respiration Preparation for Pranayama, the yoga art of breathing Chapter 6 The basic exercises General introduction: basic exercises Basic exercises for the lumbar spine Basic exercises for the thoracic cage and ribs Basic exercises for the thoracic spine Basic exercises for the shoulder girdle and the cervicohoracic junction Basic exercises for the cervical spine, head, and temporomandibular joint Basic exercises for elbows, wrists and hands Basic exercises for the pelvis Basic exercises for the hips Basic exercises for the knees Basic exercises for the feet Chapter 7 Selected asanas for integrating the aims and principles Introduction Selected asanas Combinations and sequencing of asanas Chapter 8 Yoga in everyday life Introduction Selections from basic practice that are suitable to be integrated in many areas and situations Examples for integrating the spirit and the practice of yoga into everyday life Conclusion Afterword Index.
Introduction to yoga -- Mindful exercising -- Diagnosis -- Motivation and cognitive-behavioural intervention strategies -- Preparatory practice for the yoga art of breathing -- The basic exercises -- Selected Asanas for integrating the aims and principles -- Yoga in everyday life.
'Yoga as Therapeutic Exercise' is a practical guide to prescribing yoga exercises for common health problems. The book is aimed at all manual therapists, as well as yoga teachers working with beginners and physically restricted or older students.