Includes bibliographical references (pages 195-228) and index.
Seeking Sacagawea -- The hearth of darkness: Susan Magoffin on suspect terrain -- Empire, liberty, and legend: woman suffrage in Wyoming -- Marking Wyoming: Grace Raymond Hebard and the west as woman's place -- "So many miles to a person": Fabiola Cabeza de Baca makes New Mexico -- Resisting arrest: Jo Ann Robinson and the power to move -- The long strange trip of Pamela des Barres -- They paved paradise.
From Sacagawea's travels with Lewis and Clark to rock groupie Pamela Des Barres's California trips, women have moved across the American West with profound consequences for the people and places they encounter. Virginia Scharff revisits a grand theme of United States history--our restless, relentless westward movement--but sets out in new directions, following women's trails from the early nineteenth to the late twentieth centuries.