Special techniques in surgical pathology / Alexandra N. Kalof, Mark F. Evans, Kumarasen Cooper -- Skin and adnexal structures / Vijaya B. Reddy -- Head and neck / Adel K. El-Naggar, Michelle D. Williams -- Lung and pleura / Alexander Craig MacKinnon, Aliya Husain -- Thymus and mediastinum / Saul Suster, Jose Antonio Plaza, Cesar A. Moran -- Gastrointestinal system / Jean Blair, Robert E. Petras -- Hepatobiliary system / Paul Swanson, Matthew M. Yeh -- Pancreas / Ralph H. Hruban, Mehmet Guler -- Adrenal gland / Sylvia L. Asa, Sandra Fischer -- Ureter, urinary bladder, and kidney / Cristina Magi-Galluzi, Ming Zhou -- Male genitourinary system / Michael R. Pins -- Female genital tract / Pincas Bitterman -- Breast / Maria J. Merino, Martha Quezado -- Lymph node / Jerome Loew, William Macon -- Spleen / Attilio Orazi, Magdalena Czader -- Bones and joints / Byron Crawford -- Soft tissue / Mark R. Wick, Robin LeGallo -- Heart, pericardium, and blood vessels / E. Rene Rodriguez, Carmela D. Tan -- Central nervous system / Elizabeth Cochran -- Eye and orbit / Michael J. Davis, Richard Grostern.
Differential Diagnosis in Surgical Pathology, 2nd Edition, by Paolo Gattuso, MD, Vijaya B. Reddy, MD, Odile David, MD, and Daniel J. Spitz, MD, is skillfully designed to help you confidently sign out your most complex and challenging cases. Covering a complete range of tumors and tumor-like conditions in all organ systems, it provides a user-friendly road map to the main criteria you should consider in order to differentiate between a variety of potential diagnoses that all have a very similar appearance. Over 1,350 new full-color macro- and microphotographs provide a realistic basis for comparison to what you see under the microscope. Quick checklists cover all diagnostic possibilities to make sure nothing falls through the cracks. Full-text online access at expertconsult.com allows you to reference the book from any computer and download all of its images. A concise, bulleted textual format facilitates quick retrieval of essential facts. A consistent approach to diagnosis and interpretation expedites reference. Coverage of all relevant ancillary diagnostic techniques addresses all of the investigative contexts needed to formulate an accurate diagnosis. Expert "pearls" offer practical tips on what diagnostic criteria to consider or exclude. A comprehensive, yet manageable size allows for quick consultation.