Evaluation of Certain Veterinary Drug Residues in Food :
WHO Technical Report Series, No 900.
Geneva :
World Health Organization,
1 online resource (107 pages)
Contents -- 1. Introduction -- 2. General considerations -- 3. Comments on residues of specific veterinary drugs -- 4. Future work -- 5. Recommendations -- Acknowledgement -- References -- Annex 1 Reports and other documents resulting from previous meetings of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives -- Annex 2 Recommendations on compounds on the agenda and further information required -- Annex 3 Proposed draft definitions of commodities for Volume 3 of Residues of veterinary drugs in foods.
This report represents the conclusions of a Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee convened to evaluate the safety of residues of certain veterinary drugs in food and to recommend maximum levels for such residues in food. The first part of the report considers general principles regarding the evaluation of veterinary drugs within the terms of reference of JECFA, including compounds without an ADI or MRL; recommendations on principles and methods in derivation of MRLs, including a new procedure for estimating chronic dietary intakes; the use of a spreadsheet-based procedure for the statistical evaluati.