Introduction: Why You need to Become Testwise -- 1. Before-the-Test Study Strategies -- 2. What do do About Before-the-Test Worry -- 3. What to Do in the Test Room -- 4. How to Do Your Best on Any Kind of Test -- 5. Multiple-Choice Test Strategies -- 6. True-False Exam Strategies -- 7. Matching Questions Strategies -- 8. Verbal Analogy Strategies -- 9. Short-Answer and Fill-in-the-Blank Test Strategies -- 10. Vocabulary Test Strategies -- 11. Number Problem Strategies -- 12. Math or Figure Series Test Strategies -- 13. Reading Comprehension Test Strategies.
14. Essay Exam Strategies -- 15. Identify-and-Explain Test Strategies -- 16. Oral Exam Strategies -- 17. Open-Book and Take-Home Exam Strategies -- Appendix A: Helpful Books, Internet Sites and Software -- Appendix B: Most-Used Exam Direction Words -- Appendix C: How Most Ideas are Organized Logically -- Appendix D: Some Common English Prefixes, Suffixes and Roots.