Includes bibliographical references (pages 303-313).
The substantive law in Europe -- The significance of substantive law background for private international law -- General remarks on insurance conflict of laws -- Admission of insurance and reinsurance services and products to the EU market : conflict of laws issues -- The special rules of the Brussels Regulation and Lugano Convention for insurance and reinsurance disputes -- Recognition and enforcement of judgments in insurance and reinsurance matters -- Forum shopping -- The 1980 Rome Convention and the law applicable to insurance and reinsurance contracts -- The choice of law rules in the second and third non-life directives -- Applicable law under the second and third-life assurance directives -- The implementation of the EC choice of laws provisions for insurance contracts in the United Kingdom -- The EC choice of law rules for compulsory insurance contracts : the general rules -- The EC choice of law rules for motor vehicle insurance contracts -- Electronic commerce law in Europe -- Insurance and reinsurance contracts concluded by electronic means : jurisdictional and applicable law problems -- Choice of law in relation to insurance and reinsurance contracts concluded by electronic means.
This volume provides an analysis of insurance in private international law for international business lawyers, including discussion of the jurisdictional and choice of laws issues arising from cross-border contracts of insurance and reinsurance concluded by electronic means.
Insurance in private international law.
Conflict of laws-- Insurance-- European Union countries.