Includes bibliographical references (pages 113-126) and index.
Cover; Title; Copyright; Contents; List of Figures and Tables; Preface; 1. Introduction; 2. Applications; 3. Elaborations; 4. Conclusion; Appendix. The Argument Expressed Diagrammatically; References; Index.
Why do Internet, financial service, and beer commercials dominate Super Bowl advertising? How do political ceremonies establish authority? Why does repetition characterize anthems and ritual speech? Why were circular forms favored for public festivals during the French Revolution? This book answers these questions using a single concept: common knowledge. Game theory shows that in order to coordinate its actions, a group of people must form "common knowledge." Each person wants to participate only if others also participate. Members must have knowledge of each other, knowledge of that knowledg.
Rational ritual.
Cognition and culture.
Collective behavior.
Knowledge, Sociology of.
Rational choice theory.
Rites and ceremonies-- Social aspects.
Choix rationnels, Théorie des.
Cognition et culture.
Comportement collectif.
Rites et cérémonies-- Aspect social.
Sociologie de la connaissance.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS-- Economic History.
Cognition and culture.
Collectief gedrag.
Collective behavior.
Knowledge, Sociology of.
POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Public Policy-- Cultural Policy.