Emerging directions in database systems and applications
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Chapter 1. Introduction -- 1.1. What is a Model? -- 1.2. Modeling Notation -- 1.3. What Is a Pattern? -- 1.4. Why Are Patterns Important? -- 1.5. Drawbacks of Patterns -- 1.6. Pattern vs. Seed Model -- 1.7. Aspects of Pattern Technology -- 1.8. Chapter Summary -- Bibliographic Notes -- References -- Part I. Mathematical Templates -- Chapter 2. Tree Template -- 2.1. Hardcoded Tree Template -- 2.2. Simple Tree Template -- 2.3. Structured Tree Template -- 2.4. Overlapping Trees Template -- 2.5. Tree Changing over Time Template -- 2.6. Degenerate Node and Edge Template -- 2.7. Chapter Summary -- Bibliographic Notes -- References -- Chapter 3. Directed Graph Template -- 3.1. Simple Directed Graph Template -- 3.2. Structured Directed Graph Template -- 3.3. Node and Edge Directed Graph Template -- 3.4. Connection Directed Graph Template -- 3.5. Simple DG Changing over Time Template -- 3.6. Node and Edge DG Changing over Time Template -- 3.7. Chapter Summary -- Bibliographic Notes -- References -- Chapter 4. Undirected Graph Template -- 4.1. Node and Edge Undirected Graph Template -- 4.2. Connection Undirected Graph Template -- 4.3. Undirected Graph Changing over Time Template -- 4.4. Chapter Summary -- Chapter 5. Item Description Template -- 5.1. Item Description Template -- 5.2. Homomorphism Template -- 5.3. Chapter Summary -- Bibliographic Notes -- References -- Chapter 6. Star Schema Template -- 6.1. Star Schema Template -- 6.2. Chapter Summary -- Bibliographic Notes -- References -- Chapter 7. Summary of Templates -- Part II. Antipatterns -- Chapter 8. Universal Antipatterns -- 8.1. Symmetric Relationship Antipattern -- 8.2. Dead Elements Antipattern -- 8.3. Disguised Fields Antipattern -- 8.4. Artificial Hardcoded Levels Antipattern -- 8.5. Excessive Generalization Antipattern -- 8.6. Disconnected Entity Types Antipattern -- 8.7. Modeling Errors Antipattern -- 8.8. Multiple Inheritance Antipattern -- 8.9. Paradigm Degradation Antipattern -- 8.10. Chapter Summary -- Bibliographic Notes -- References -- Chapter 9. Non-Data-Warehouse Antipatterns -- 9.1. Derived Data Antipattern -- 9.2. Parallel Attributes Antipattern -- 9.3. Parallel Relationships Antipattern -- 9.4. Combined Entity Types Antipattern -- 9.5. Chapter Summary -- Part III. Archetypes -- Chapter 10. Archetypes -- 10.1. Account -- 10.2. Actor -- 10.3. Address -- 10.4. Asset -- 10.5. Contract -- 10.6. Course -- 10.7. Customer -- 10.8. Document -- 10.9. Event -- 10.10. Flight -- 10.11. Item -- 10.12. Location -- 10.13. Opportunity -- 10.14. Part -- 10.15. Payment -- 10.16. Position -- 10.17. Product -- 10.18. Role -- 10.19. Transaction -- 10.20. Vendor -- 10.21. Chapter Summary -- Bibliographic Notes -- References -- Part IV. Identity -- Chapter 11. Identity -- 11.1. Intrinsic Identity -- 11.2. Names -- 11.3. Surrogate Identity -- 11.4. Structured Fields -- 11.5. Master Applications -- 11.6. Merging Data -- 11.7. Chapter Summary -- Bibliographic Notes -- References -- Part V. Canonical Models -- Chapter 12. Language Translation -- 12.1. Alternative Architectures -- 12.2. Attribute Translation in Place -- 12.3. Phrase-to-Phrase Translation -- 12.4. Language-Neutral Translation -- 12.5. Chapter Summary -- Bibliographic Notes -- References -- Chapter 13. Softcoded Values -- 13.1. UML Model -- 13.2. IDEFIX Model -- 13.3. Architecture -- 13.4. Softcoding Variations -- 13.5. Chapter Summary -- Bibliographic Notes -- References -- Chapter 14. Generic Diagrams -- 14.1. Generic Diagram Examples -- 14.2. Diagram Subject Area -- 14.3. Model Subject Area -- 14.4. Diagram Binding Subject Area -- 14.5. Diagram Type Subject Area -- 14.6. Diagram Example, Revisited -- 14.7. Chapter Summary -- Bibliographic Notes -- Chapter 15. State Diagrams -- 15.1. State Diagrams -- 15.2. Scenarios -- 15.3. Chapter Summary -- Bibliographic Notes -- References -- Part VI. Relational Database Design -- Chapter 16. Relational Database Design -- 16.1. Mapping: Entity Types -- 16.2. Mapping: Non-Qualified Relationships -- 16.3. Mapping: Qualified Relationships -- 16.4. Mapping: Generalizations -- 16.5. Design Identity -- 16.6. Referential Integrity -- 16.7. Miscellaneous Database Constraints -- 16.8. Indexes -- 16.9. Generating SQL Code -- 16.10. Chapter Summary -- Bibliographic Notes -- References -- Appendix A. Explanation of the UML Notation -- Entity Type -- Relationships -- Generalization -- Bibliographic Notes -- References -- Appendix B. Explanation of the IDEF1X Notation -- Entity Type -- Relationships -- Generalization -- Bibliographic Notes -- References -- Appendix C. Glossary.
"" ... should be on the shelf of every database, software, and systems architect. The book captures decades of experience, presenting distilled knowledge in a concise and easy-to-understand format. The breadth of coverage is enormous, ranging from basic data structures through star schema, archetypes for representing commonly found concepts, and canonical models for tough problems."--Paul C. Brown, Principal Software Architect, TIBCO Software Inc." "" ... a clear book with precise definitions and excellent examples. All examples are presented in a graphical form that is easy to read and understand. Blaha assumes the reader has a basic understanding of data modeling, but gives his examples in such a way that if the reader needs some review, it is built in."--Toby Teorey, author of Database Modeling and Design, Fourth Edition" "Best-selling author and database expert with more than 25 years of experience modeling application and enterprise data, Dr. Michael Blaha provides tried and tested data model patterns to help readers avoid common modeling mistakes and unnecessary frustration on their way to building effective data models. Unlike the typical methodology book, Patterns of Data Modeling provides advanced techniques for those who have mastered the basics." "Focusing on databases rather than programming, this is one of the first books to apply the popular patterns perspective to database systems and data models. Dr. Blaha offers practical advice on the core aspects of applications and provides authoritative coverage of mathematical templates, antipatterns, archetypes, identity, canonical models, and relational database design."--Jacket.
Safari Books Online
Patterns of data modeling.
Data structures (Computer science)
Software patterns.
COMPUTERS-- Database Management-- General.
COMPUTERS-- Desktop Applications-- Databases.
COMPUTERS-- System Administration-- Storage & Retrieval.