Table of Contents; Foreword; Preface; Author's Note; Who Should Read This Book; How This Book Is Organized; Part I, REST and the JAX-RS Standard; Part II, JAX-RS Workbook; Conventions Used in This Book; Using Code Examples; We'd Like to Hear from You; Safari® Books Online; Acknowledgments; Part I. REST and the JAX-RS Standard; Chapter 1. Introduction to REST; REST and the Rebirth of HTTP; RESTful Architectural Principles; Addressability; The Uniform, Constrained Interface; Why Is the Uniform Interface Important?; Representation-Oriented; Communicate Statelessly; HATEOAS.
Chapter 3. Your First JAX-RS ServiceDeveloping a JAX-RS RESTful Service; Customer: The Data Class; CustomerResource: Our JAX-RS Service; Creating customers; Retrieving customers; Updating a customer; Utility methods; JAX-RS and Java Interfaces; Inheritance; Deploying Our Service; Deployment Within a Servlet Container; Wrapping Up; Chapter 4. HTTP Method and URI Matching; Binding HTTP Methods; HTTP Method Extensions; @Path; Binding URIs; @Path Expressions; Template parameters; Regular expressions; Precedence rules; Encoding; Matrix Parameters; Subresource Locators; Full Dynamic Dispatching. InputStream, Reader; File; byte; String, char; MultivaluedMap and Form Input; javax.xml.transform. Source; JAXB; Intro to JAXB; JAXB JAX-RS Handlers; Managing your own JAXBContexts with ContextResolvers; JAXB and JSON; XML to JSON using BadgerFish; JSON and JSON Schema; Custom Marshalling; MessageBodyWriter; Adding pretty printing; Pluggable JAXBContexts using ContextResolvers; MessageBodyReader; Life Cycle and Environment; Wrapping Up; Chapter 7. Response Codes, Complex Responses, and Exception Handling; Default Response Codes.
The engine of application stateWrapping Up; Chapter 2. Designing RESTful Services; The Object Model; Model the URIs; Defining the Data Format; Read and Update Format; Common link element; The details; Create Format; Assigning HTTP Methods; Browsing All Orders, Customers, or Products; Obtaining Individual Orders, Customers, or Products; Creating an Order, Customer, or Product; Creating with PUT; Creating with POST; Updating an Order, Customer, or Product; Removing an Order, Customer, or Product; Cancelling an Order; Overloading the meaning of DELETE; States versus operations; Wrapping Up.
Wrapping UpChapter 5. JAX-RS Injection; The Basics; @PathParam; More Than One Path Parameter; Scope of Path Parameters; PathSegment and Matrix Parameters; Matching with multiple PathSegments; Programmatic URI Information; @MatrixParam; @QueryParam; Programmatic Query Parameter Information; @FormParam; @HeaderParam; Raw Headers; @CookieParam; Common Functionality; Automatic Java Type Conversion; Primitive type conversion; Java object conversion; Collections; Conversion failures; @DefaultValue; @Encoded; Wrapping Up; Chapter 6. JAX-RS Content Handlers; Built-in Content Marshalling.
Learn how to design and develop distributed web services in Java using RESTful architectural principals and the JAX-RS specification in Java EE 6. With this hands-on reference, you'll focus on implementation rather than theory, and discover why the RESTful method is far better than technologies like CORBA and SOAP. It's easy to get started with services based on the REST architecture. RESTful Java with JAX-RS includes a technical guide that explains REST and JAX-RS, how they work, and when to use them. With the RESTEasy workbook that follows, you get step-by-step instructions for installing, c.
Safari Books Online
RESTful Java with JAX-RS.
Application software-- Development.
Java (Computer program language)
Representational State Transfer (Software architecture)
Web site development.
Application software-- Development.
Application software-- Development.
Java (Computer program language)
Java (Computer program language)
Representational State Transfer (Software architecture)
Representational State Transfer (Software architecture)