(cont) Diagnosis of brachial plexus avulsion in three free-living owls -- Herpesvirus disease in raptors: a review of the literature -- Surgery and anesthesia -- Electrocardiography on fifty-nine anesthetized convalescing raptors -- Raptor orthopedics using methyl methacrylate and polypropylene rods -- Inhalation anesthesia in birds of prey -- Fracture healing in predatory birds, with special consideration given to a modified external fixator -- Immobilization of raptors with tiletamine and zolazepam (telazol) -- Effects of ketamine-xylazine anesthesia on adrenal function and cardiac conduction in goshawks and pigeons -- Cardiorespiratory effects of ketamine-xylazine in the great horned owl -- Raptor bumblefoot: a new treatment technique -- Form-fitting, composite-casting method for avian appendages -- Medicine and therapeutics -- Physiological assessment of flight conditioning of rehabilitated raptors -- Soft-tissue wound management in avian patients -- Clinical signs and treatment of large birds injured by electrocution.
(cont) Preliminary evaluation of the effects of dexamethasone on serum hepatic enzymes, glucose, and total protein in red-tailed hawks -- Research hospital for falcons: design, operation, and admissions summary -- Physiological monitoring of raptors using an automated biotelemetry system -- Elbow luxations in raptors: a review of eight cases -- Physical therapy for specific injuries in raptors -- Introduction to allometric scaling and its uses in raptor medicine -- Appetite stimulation in raptors -- Environmental toxicity -- Barbiturate poisoning in twenty-nine bald eagles -- Diagnosis and treatment of poisoning in raptors from the Netherlands: clinical case reports and review of 2,750 postmortem cases, 1975-1988 -- Pesticide poisoning in birds of prey.
Decade of progress in raptor biomedicine -- Need for closer collaboration between biologists and veterinarians in research on raptors -- Pathology and microbiology -- Cytodiagnosis in raptor medicine -- Cyst-forming coccidia of raptors: significant pathogens or not? -- Diagnosis and treatment of helminths in birds of prey -- Parasitological and other studies on migrating raptors -- Four cases of neoplasia in birds of prey -- Pathological studies on the barn owl -- Pathological studies on eggs and embryos -- Fatty liver-kidney syndrome of merlins -- Unhatched eggs in raptor nests in Saskatchewan -- Cyathostoma infections in screech owls, saw-whet owls, and burrowing owls in Southern Ontario -- Causes of death in radio-tagged northern goshawks -- Causes of breeding failure in wild raptors: a review -- Immune and inflammatory responses in falcon staphylococcal pododermatitis -- Trichomoniasis in owls: report on a number of clinical cases and a survey of the literature -- Raptor bumblefoot: another look at histopathology and pathogenesis.