Book Cover; Title; Contents; List of figures and tables; Notes on contributors; Acknowledgements; Introduction; Towards a sociology of just practices: an analysis of plural conceptions of justice; Social justice in the head: are we all libertarians now?; Shifting class identities? Social class and the transition to higher education; Social justice and non-traditional participants in higher education: a tale of 'border crossing', instrumentalism and drift; Education and community health: identity, social justice and lifestyle issues in communities.
Male working-class identities and social justice: a reconsideration of Paul Willis's Learning to Labour in light of contemporary researchAvoiding the issue: homophobia, school policies and identities in secondary schools; Masculinities, femininities and physical education: bodily practices as reified markers of community membership; Science education for social justice; The development of young children's ethnic identities: implications for early years practice; Special educational needs and procedural justice in England and Scotland.
Social justice, identity formation and social capital: school diversification policy under New LabourIndex.
This collection will give readers interested in questions of social justice and education access to the work of some of the key contributors to the debate in the UK.