"Printed May 1972 in Santa Barbara for the Black Sparrow Press by Noel Young. Design by Barbara Martin. This edition is published in paper wrappers; there are 250 hardcover copies numbered & signed by the poet; & 50 numbered copies handbound in boards by Earle Gray, signed & with an original illustration by Charles Bukowski"--Colophon.
a free 25 page booklet -- the smoking car -- the world's greatest loser -- the garbageman -- girl in a miniskirt reading the bible -- moyamensing prison -- notes upon the flaxen aspect -- funhouse -- another academy -- a day at the oak tree meet -- rain -- the colored birds -- another lousy 10 percenter -- making it -- drunk ol' bukowski drunk -- the poetry reading -- slim killers -- the last days of the suicide kid -- bang bang -- 5 men in black passing my window -- the poet's muse -- somebody -- story and poem -- and the moon and the stars and the world -- get the nose -- my landlady and my landlord -- bad night -- hogs in the sky -- the white poets -- the black poets -- millionaires -- poetry -- the painter -- the inquisitor -- my friend william -- 300 poems -- lifting weights at 2 a.m. -- reality -- earthquake -- the good life at o'hare airport -- the golfers -- the mockingbird -- ha ha ha ha ha, ha ha -- a fine day and the world looks good -- vacancy -- 3:16 and one half -- the rat -- hot -- radio -- ariel -- the passing of a dark gray moment -- consummation of grief -- those sons of bitches -- the hunt -- the big fire -- ww 2 -- ants -- he wrote in lonely blood -- six chink fishermen -- burning -- a sound in the brush -- the wild -- 4th of july -- carnival -- 99 degrees -- happy new year -- the shoelace -- chilled green -- life -- American matador -- I saw an old-fashioned whore today -- poem for barbara, poem for jane -- short order -- the dwarf -- merry christmas -- marina -- one with dante -- an interesting night -- a threat to my immortality -- climax -- a man's woman -- tight pink dress -- more or less, for julie -- this is the way it goes and goes and goes -- left with the dog -- praying for a best seller -- that one -- have you ever kissed a panther? -- 2 carnations -- man and woman in bed at ten p.m. -- the answer -- a split -- power failure -- snake in the watermelon -- style -- the shower -- if we take--