Introduction -- Definitions and severity of exacerbations -- Epidemiology of COPD exacerbations -- Differential diagnosis of COPD exacerbations -- Mechanisms and pathophysiology -- Symptom changes at COPD exacerbation -- Airway pathology at exacerbations -- Airway and systemic inflammatory markers at exacerbations -- Pathophysiology of acute exacerbations of COPD -- Systemic consequences of COPD exacerbations -- Mechanisms of respiratory failure in COPD exacerbations -- Role of respiratory viral infection at exacerbation -- Do airway bacteria cause COPD exacerbations? -- Interactions of airway pathogens and inflammatory processes -- Comorbidity at exacerbation of COPD -- Environmental causes of exacerbations -- Exacerbations in alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency -- Animal models of COPD: current status of an evolving field -- Comparison of asthma and COPD exacerbations -- Impact of exacerbations -- Risk factors for hospital admission -- Effect of exacerbations on disease progression and mortality -- Health economic consequences of COPD exacerbations -- Management of acute exacerbation -- Use of bronchodilators and mucolytics at COPD exacerbations -- Corticosteroids in the management of acute exacerbations -- Antibiotic therapy at COPD exacerbations -- Noninvasive ventilatory support in acute exacerbations of COPD -- Invasive mechanical ventilation and weaning of COPD exacerbation -- Oxygen therapy and exacerbations -- End-of-life issues and COPD exacerbations -- Novel models of care for COPD exacerbations -- Physiotherapy at exacerbation of COPD -- COPD exacerbation and pulmonary rehabilitation -- Prevention of COPD exacerbation -- Pharmacological prevention of COPD exacerbations -- Self-management in prevention and early intervention of exacerbations -- Immunological interventions -- Oxygen therapy and home mechanical ventilation -- Issues for studies of COPD exacerbations -- Design of trials for COPD exacerbations -- Statistical considerations for COPD exacerbation trials -- Future developments in acute exacerbations of COPD.