Front Cover; Advances in Computers, Volume 19; Copyright Page; Contents; Contributors; Preface; Chapter 1. Data Base Computers; 1. Introduction: The 90-10 Rule-A Characterization of the Problem; 2. Approaches to a Solution; 3. Where Are We Now?; 4. Two Kinds of Data Base Computers; 5. Can the New Data Base Computers Replace the Existing Data Base Management Software with Improved Performance?; 6. The Future; References; Chapter 2. The Structure of Parallel Algorithms; 1. Introduction; 2. The Space of Parallel Algorithms: Taxonomy and Relation to Parallel Architectures.
1. Perspectives on Computing in Organizations2. The Computing System Life Cycle; 3. Computer System Use in Complex Organizations; 4. Impact of Computing on Organizational Life; 5. Conclusions; References; Author Index; Subject Index; Contents of Previous Volumes.
3. Algorithms for Synchronous Parallel Computers4. Algorithms for Asynchronous Multiprocessors; 5. Concluding Remarks; References; Chapter 3. Clustering Methodologies in Exploratory Data Analysis; 1. Introduction; 2. Data Representation; 3. Cluster Analysis; 4. Applications; References; Chapter 4. Numerical Software: Science or Alchemy?; 1. Introduction; 2. What Is Numerical Software and Why Is It Difficult?; 3. The Science; 4. The Alchemy; 5. Conclusion; References; Chapter 5. Computing as Social Action: The Social Dynamics of Computing in Complex Organizations.