""Contents""; ""acknowledgments""; ""preface""; ""1 introduction to mobile game development""; ""2 mobile devices""; ""3 introduction to visual basic""; ""4 beginning mobilevb""; ""5 first mobilevb project""; ""6 emulators and devices""; ""7 the palm emulator""; ""8 vb slot machine""; ""9 mobilevb slots""; ""10 introduction to paint shop pro 8""; ""11 learning to draw 2d""; ""12 introduction to graphics programming""; ""13 playing sounds with mobilevb""; ""14 pocket fishbowl""; ""15 tic- tac- toe""; ""16 balloon pop""; ""17 creating card games""; ""18 homerun derby""
""19 where to go fromhere""""a about the cd- rom""; ""b standard naming conventions""; ""c ascii chart""; ""d visual basic functions and statements""; ""e common properties, methods, and events""; ""index""